Friday, December 23, 2011


It sure is amazing how much work I can get done when I am trying to avoid studying for the GRE! I didn't get too much done today because of how sick I am and because I was crazy enough to go shopping earlier.

Last night I managed to get a day of sub plans done and all the materials that go with it. My goal when I get back from break is to create a “Sub Tub,” full of all the materials a sub would need for multiple days. I had to miss a day last week and it really stunk to have to spend an hour at 6:00 in the morning trying to get plans together for the sub.... so I want to be more prepared next time!

I also wanted to share some of the things that I made for the weather unit that we are getting ready to finish up when we get back from break, in case anyone wants to steal them!

Weather Study Guide
Weather Test

My goal for tomorrow (other than to actually spend some time studying) is to cut out stuff for our New Year's resolution activity that the kids will be doing when we get back. Here's a picture from Pinterest of something similar to what we'll be making.


  1. Thanks for following! I think I sent you the posters! Let me know! Also, you are from NC? Me too!!

    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher


  2. Thank you for the posters!! And yes, I am from NC :)
